Terms & Conditions

Last Updated: August 29, 2024
These Terms and Conditions ("Terms") govern your use of our website and services. By accessing or using our services, you agree to these Terms. Please read them carefully.
1. Introduction
These Terms constitute a legally binding agreement between you (the "Client") and PT. SlabPixel Creative Group ("Service Provider"). By using our services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms.
2. Services Provided
SlabPixel offers a comprehensive suite of design and development services, encompassing various aspects of branding, digital experiences, and web development. These services are provided in accordance with the specific needs of each Client, as detailed in individual agreements or project briefs. The scope and nature of the services provided may vary depending on the particular requirements of the Client, and will be fully delineated in the corresponding contractual documentation. SlabPixel is committed to delivering high-quality services that are tailored to meet the unique objectives of each project.
Branding Services: SlabPixel is dedicated to crafting unique and memorable brand identities through a range of branding services. This includes the creation of distinctive logo designs tailored to reflect the Client’s brand identity. We provide strategic guidance on brand positioning and market differentiation, ensuring that the brand stands out in its respective market. Additionally, SlabPixel develops comprehensive brand guidelines, which serve as a blueprint for consistent application of brand elements across all mediums. The service extends to the development of a consistent brand voice and tone, which underpins all forms of communication. Furthermore, we design a variety of marketing materials, such as advertisements, social media graphics, email templates, and other collateral, all aimed at promoting the Client’s brand. Our services also cover stationary design, including the creation of business cards, letterheads, and other related items, as well as packaging design, where we create attractive and functional packaging solutions. Additionally, SlabPixel develops custom icon designs that align with the Client’s brand, and crafts professional, engaging presentations to effectively communicate ideas.
Digital Experience Services: SlabPixel specializes in creating visually appealing and user-friendly digital experiences. Our website design services focus on enhancing user engagement through aesthetically pleasing and functional interfaces. We design intuitive dashboards that facilitate effective data visualization and user interaction. In the realm of mobile app design, SlabPixel develops engaging and user-centric interfaces across various platforms. We also provide custom illustration services that enhance the digital presence of the Client’s brand. Our 3D design services involve creating models and animations that deliver interactive and immersive experiences. In addition, we develop dynamic animations that breathe life into digital content. SlabPixel conducts comprehensive user research to inform design decisions, thereby improving overall user experience. Prototyping services are offered to visualize concepts prior to full-scale development, allowing for thorough evaluation and refinement of ideas.
Web Development Services: SlabPixel provides an extensive range of web development services, starting with the design and development of high-converting landing pages that drive specific client objectives. We build content management system (CMS) websites, enabling clients to easily manage and update their content. Our expertise extends to the development of e-commerce websites, complete with secure payment integration and user-friendly interfaces, facilitating seamless online transactions. We also develop membership websites with functionalities that control user access based on predefined criteria. For clients with unique requirements, SlabPixel offers custom development services, creating tailored solutions that address specific business needs. Our services include the integration of third-party services, such as payment gateways and customer relationship management (CRM) systems, to enhance the functionality of client websites. Additionally, SlabPixel is committed to optimizing the performance of websites by enhancing speed and efficiency, thereby improving the overall user experience. We also implement search engine optimization (SEO) best practices to improve the visibility and ranking of websites on search engines. Finally, our maintenance services ensure that websites remain up-to-date, secure, and free of bugs, providing ongoing support and updates as needed.
3. Payment Terms
  • Payment Methods:
    • For project-based payments, we accept PayPal and bank transfers.
    • For subscription services, payments can be made via debit or credit card through the PayPal payment gateway.
  • Invoices: The Service Provider will issue invoices upon the signing of the Agreement. Payments are due within 15 days of the invoice date.
  • Taxes: Invoices for payments made via PayPal and bank transfer will include a 5% tax on the total service cost. This tax does not apply to subscription payments made via debit or credit card through the PayPal payment gateway.
4. Commitment to Work Hours
  • Service Hours: Services are provided Monday through Friday, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM local time (GMT+7), excluding national holidays and agreed non-working days.
  • Holidays and Non-Working Days: Services will not be available on the following dates:
    • January: New Year's Day (January 1)
    • February: Isra Mi'raj (February 9), Chinese New Year Holiday (February 10)
    • March: Nyepi Day (March 11), Nyepi Holiday (March 12), Good Friday (March 29), Easter Day (March 31)
    • April: Lebaran Holiday (April 8-9), Eid Al-Fitr (April 10), Lebaran Holiday (April 11-12)
    • May: Labour Day (May 1), Ascension Day of Jesus Christ (May 9), Ascension of Jesus Christ Holiday (May 10), Waisak Day (May 23), Waisak Holiday (May 24)
    • June: Pancasila Day (June 1), Eid Al-Adha (June 17), Eid Al-Adha Holiday (June 18)
    • July: Islamic New Year (July 7)
    • August: Independence Day (August 17)
    • September: Mawlid al-Nabi (September 16)
    • December: Christmas Day (December 25), Christmas Holiday (December 26)
    • Annual Office Holiday: One week between August and November with one month’s notice.
  • Communication and Planning: Clients should plan projects considering these non-working days to ensure timely delivery.
5. Intellectual Property
Upon full payment, all intellectual property rights for the creative work shall be transferred to the Client. However, You hereby grant us a limited, nonexclusive, non-sublicensable, royalty-free worldwide license to use, publish, and display any deliverables that we develop in connection with the Services for the purpose of marketing and advertising (the “Portfolio Rights License''). You may revoke the Portfolio Rights License at any time by sending written notice to hello@slabpixel.com. If you revoke the Portfolio Rights License, we will stop using your deliverables for marketing and advertising purposes, however your deliverables may continue to exist online such as where the deliverables have been used by others in accordance with the Portfolio Rights License.
6. Confidential Information
  • Definition: "Confidential Information" includes proprietary details disclosed by either party, such as business plans, product information, and design specifications.
  • Obligations: Both parties agree to:
    • Maintain the confidentiality of the information.
    • Use the information solely for the intended purpose of providing or receiving services.
    • Limit access to necessary employees, contractors, or agents.
  • Exceptions: Confidential Information does not include information that:
    • Is publicly available without breach of this Agreement.
    • Was known by the receiving party before disclosure.
    • Is independently developed without breach of this Agreement.
    • Is obtained from a third party not in violation of this Agreement.
  • Survival: Confidentiality obligations continue for five (5) years after termination.
7. Revisions
In our commitment to delivering optimal results for our Clients, we welcome feedback and revisions. While we do not impose a strict limit on the number of revisions, it's essential to note that permissible changes are minor and should align with the agreed-upon project concept. Any timeline delays arising from extensive revisions are the Client's responsibility, and we bear no liability for consequential material or non-material losses.
Significant alterations will be subject to additional charges, which can be determined by the Service Provider and agreed upon by both parties. These additional costs will be invoiced and settled before the project's conclusion.
8. Responsiveness
  • Client Responsibilities:
    • Respond to communications within 2 business days.
    • Provide feedback, approvals, and materials within 3 business days of a request.
    • Limit access to necessary employees, contractors, or agents.
  • Service Provider Responsibilities:
    • Acknowledge and respond to communications within 2 business days.
    • Provide updates and address concerns within 3 business days.
  • Consequences of Delayed Communication:
    • If either party fails to respond within the specified timeframes, the project timeline may be adjusted.
    • Unresponsiveness by the Client for 14 days may lead to a $100 USD reactivation fee.
    • Unresponsiveness by the Service Provider for 14 days may lead to a refund request or termination of the Agreement.
    • Extended unresponsiveness by the Client for 30 days may result in termination of the Agreement, with the Client liable for all work completed and outstanding invoices.
9. Termination
  • Client Termination: The Client may terminate this Agreement with written notice if the Service Provider fails to deliver the services and does not remedy the issue within 7 business days.
  • Service Provider Termination: The Service Provider may terminate this Agreement with written notice if the Client fails to make payments within 7 business days.
  • Effect of Termination: The Client must pay for all services provided up to termination, and any outstanding invoices become due immediately.
  • Refunds: No refunds will be issued, except for prepayments for services not yet rendered, which will be refunded on a pro-rata basis.
  • Survival: Confidentiality obligations and other intended-to-survive provisions continue after termination.
10. Force Majeure
In the event that we are unable to fulfill any obligation under this Agreement due to circumstances beyond our reasonable control, including but not limited to pandemics or widespread outbreaks of infectious diseases, government shutdowns, lightning, floods, exceptionally severe weather, fires, explosions, wars, civil disorders, industrial or labor disputes (whether or not involving our employees), acts of government, loss or issues with telecommunications, utility services or other third-party services, or hostile network attacks (each a "Force Majeure Event"), we shall not be held liable for such failure to perform. We will, however, make every reasonable effort to resume performance promptly once the circumstances constituting the Force Majeure Event are resolved.
11. Acceptance of Terms
The Clients acknowledge and agree that the services provided by the Service Provider shall not be used to discriminate against others, including but not limited to, based on race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, ancestry, or national origin. The Service Provider strictly prohibits any use of its services in a manner that incites, promotes, or supports discrimination, hostility, or violence.
The Service Provider does not accept any projects that include gambling, illegal drugs, pornography, scams, weapons, dating apps, or any other content related to these categories. Additionally, the Service Provider reserves the right to refuse or terminate projects that involve or promote such content.
If the Service Provider, in its sole discretion, determines that the Client’s use of the services is discriminatory or in violation of these terms, the Service Provider may suspend or terminate the Client’s access to the services, either temporarily or permanently, without notice and without liability. In such cases, the Client will remain responsible for any outstanding payments for work completed up to the date of suspension or termination.
12. Contact Information
For questions or concerns, please contact us at:
  • Email: hello@slabpixel.com
  • Phone: +62 823 2409 6420
  • Office Address: Jl. Mampang Prapatan Raya No. 73A Lantai 3 RT 010/002, Tegal Parang, Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan 12790 Indonesia
  • HQ Address: Jl. Anggrek No.45B, RT.11/RW.69, Ringinsari, Maguwoharjo, Kec. Depok, Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia